PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)

This company is commonly known as The Manchester Grammar School Foundation Trustee Limited. The company was founded 10 years ago and was given the registration number 09156289. The firm's registered office is in MANCHESTER. You can find them at Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, . This company's SIC code is 85200 - Primary education.

Company Information

Company Number:09156289
Company Type:PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)
Incorporation Date:31 July 2014
End of financial year:31 July 2023
Jurisdiction:England - Wales
Industry Codes:
  • 85200 - Primary education
  • 85310 - General secondary education

Office Address & Contact

Registered Address:Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT
Country Origin:
Email Address:Unreported

Company Officers

Personal InformationRoleAppointedStatus
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Secretary31 July 2014Active
2.006 John Owens Building, University Of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, United Kingdom, M13 9PL

Director29 November 2018Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director21 September 2022Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director01 December 2016Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director01 January 2023Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director23 November 2022Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director17 May 2023Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director23 November 2022Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director24 September 2020Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director23 November 2022Active
Corpus Christi College, Merton Street, Oxford, England, OX1 4JF

Director29 November 2018Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director01 December 2016Active
36, Prestwich Park Road South, Prestwich, Manchester, England, M25 9PE

Director01 August 2018Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, England, M13 0XT

Director18 September 2014Active
276, Fog Lane, Burnage, Manchester, United Kingdom, M19 1EQ

Director18 May 2016Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Lord Mayor's Suite, Central Library, St Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom, M2 5PD

Director15 May 2019Active
Corpus Christi College, Merton Street, Oxford, England, OX1 4JF

Director01 October 2016Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Lord Mayor's Suite, Central Library, St Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom, M2 5PD

Director14 August 2018Active
Lord Mayor's Suite, Central Library, St. Peters Square, Manchester, England, M2 5PD

Director19 November 2020Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Lord Mayor's Suite, Central Library, St. Peters Square, Manchester, England, M2 5PD

Director18 May 2022Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director20 May 2015Active
Town Hall, Civic And Ceremonial Office, Room 412, Town Hall, Manchester, England, M60 2LA

Director17 May 2017Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active
Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT

Director31 July 2014Active

Account Documents


  • Last accounts submitted for period 31 March 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Accounts type was MICRO
  • Next accounts dated 31 March 2024
  • Due by 31 December 2024 (2 months remaining)

Confirmation Statement

  • Last submitted on 14 October 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Next confirmation dated 14 October 2024
  • Due by 28 October 2024 (4 months remaining)

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