PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)

This company is commonly known as Sodexo Holdings Limited. The company was founded 30 years ago and was given the registration number 02987170. The firm's registered office is in LONDON. You can find them at One, Southampton Row, London, . This company's SIC code is 70100 - Activities of head offices.

Company Information

Company Number:02987170
Company Type:PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)
Incorporation Date:04 November 1994
End of financial year:31 August 2022
Jurisdiction:England - Wales
Industry Codes:
  • 70100 - Activities of head offices

Office Address & Contact

Registered Address:One, Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA
Country Origin:
Email Address:Unreported

Company Officers

Personal InformationRoleAppointedStatus
One, Southampton Row, London, England, WC1B 5HA

Secretary16 February 2009Active
One, Southampton Row, London, England, WC1B 5HA

Corporate Secretary04 July 2016Active
One, Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA

Director25 May 2017Active
One, Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA

Director01 September 2016Active
One, Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA

Director01 September 2018Active
One, Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA

Director01 November 2019Active
23 Avenue Du Marechal, Douglas Haig, Versailles 78000, France, FOREIGN

Secretary17 January 1995Active
Bracks Cottage Broad Green, Coggeshall, CO6 1RU

Secretary26 April 1995Active
Solar House, Kings Way, Stevenage, SG1 2UA

Corporate Secretary21 January 2004Active
35 Basinghall Street, London, EC2V 5DB

Corporate Nominee Secretary04 November 1994Active
Hollybank, The Warren, Ashtead, KT21 2SE

Director22 April 2002Active
One, Southampton Row, London, England, WC1B 5HA

Director13 June 2011Active
One, Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA

Director15 April 2016Active
12 Rue Adolphe Yvon, 75116, Paris, France,

Director17 January 1995Active
One, Southampton Row, London, England, WC1B 5HA

Director28 March 2013Active
23 Boulevard Jules Sandeau, Paris 75116, France,

Director17 January 1995Active
16, Dukes Mews, Marylebone, London, W1U 3ET

Director01 September 2008Active
One, Southampton Row, London, England, WC1B 5HA

Director05 March 2007Active
10 Rue De La Frette, Montigny Les Cormeilles, France,

Director26 March 2002Active
Flat 95 Wapping Wall, 11 New Crance Place, London, E1 9TH

Director13 January 1995Active
One, Southampton Row, London, England, WC1B 5HA

Director01 January 2012Active
11 Rue Saint Senoch, 75017 Paris, France, FOREIGN

Director26 September 1995Active
12, The Orchard, Chiswick, London, W4 1JX

Director15 June 2009Active
12, The Orchard, Chiswick, London, W4 1JX

Director01 May 2005Active
1468 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Usa,

Director24 October 2003Active
One, Southampton Row, London, England, WC1B 5HA

Director03 May 2012Active
One, Southampton Row, London, England, WC1B 5HA

Director08 January 2014Active
One, Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA

Director04 July 2016Active
One, Southampton Row, London, England, WC1B 5HA

Director31 August 2010Active
6 Wellesford Close, Banstead, SM7 2HL

Nominee Director04 November 1994Active
9 Cite Du Petit Thouars, 75003, Paris, France, FOREIGN

Director20 January 1995Active
Flat E, 13 Saint Georges Drive, London, SW1V 4DJ

Nominee Director04 November 1994Active
3 First Terrace, Easton, United States Of America,

Director22 April 2002Active
One, Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA

Director01 September 2016Active
One, Southampton Row, London, England, WC1B 5HA

Director01 August 2012Active

Account Documents


  • Last accounts submitted for period 31 March 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Accounts type was MICRO
  • Next accounts dated 31 March 2024
  • Due by 31 December 2024 (2 months remaining)

Confirmation Statement

  • Last submitted on 14 October 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Next confirmation dated 14 October 2024
  • Due by 28 October 2024 (5 months remaining)

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