PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)

This company is commonly known as European Federation Of Organisations For Medical Physics. The company was founded 17 years ago and was given the registration number 06480149. The firm's registered office is in YORK. You can find them at Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, North Yorkshire. This company's SIC code is 99000 - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies.

Company Information

Company Number:06480149
Company Type:PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)
Incorporation Date:22 January 2008
End of financial year:31 December 2019
Jurisdiction:England - Wales
Industry Codes:
  • 99000 - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

Office Address & Contact

Registered Address:Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, North Yorkshire, YO24 1ES
Country Origin:
Email Address:Unreported

Company Officers

Personal InformationRoleAppointedStatus
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Secretary01 January 2018Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2012Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2020Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director07 May 2014Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2018Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Secretary28 July 2014Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Secretary10 December 2012Active
14 Waterfront House, Clementhorpe, York, YO23 1PL

Secretary22 January 2008Active
Bipm Pavilion De Breteuil, 12 Bis Grande Rue, Sevres, France,

Director01 January 2010Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2018Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2017Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2014Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2014Active
230, Tadcaster Road, York, United Kingdom, YO24 1ES

Director25 September 2010Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2017Active
Pfalzgrafonring 35, Ammerbach, Germany 72119,

Director22 January 2008Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director21 May 2010Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director09 June 2014Active
8a Nicolaov Votsi Street, Kato Lahatamia, Nicosia, Cyprus 2321, FOREIGN

Director22 January 2008Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2014Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2014Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2016Active
Alea 17, Hoyo Manzanares, Spain 2820, FOREIGN

Director22 January 2008Active
Fairmont House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, United Kingdom, YO24 1ES

Director11 January 2011Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2012Active
30, In Den Pfadelsackern 30, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany,

Director01 January 2013Active
Dyrotzer Weg 72-74, Falkeusee, Germany,

Director01 January 2009Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2017Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2019Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2020Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2018Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2019Active
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES

Director01 January 2015Active
Kippingves 4, Herlev, Denmark 2730,

Director22 January 2008Active
10, Via Montasio, 33010 Tavagnacco, Italy,

Director01 January 2013Active

Account Documents


  • Last accounts submitted for period 31 March 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Accounts type was MICRO
  • Next accounts dated 31 March 2024
  • Due by 31 December 2024 (2 months remaining)

Confirmation Statement

  • Last submitted on 14 October 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Next confirmation dated 14 October 2024
  • Due by 28 October 2024 (4 months remaining)

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