PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)

This company is commonly known as Eef Limited. The company was founded 18 years ago and was given the registration number 05950172. The firm's registered office is in LONDON. You can find them at Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, . This company's SIC code is 94110 - Activities of business and employers membership organizations.

Company Information

Company Number:05950172
Company Type:PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)
Incorporation Date:28 September 2006
End of financial year:31 December 2023
Jurisdiction:England - Wales
Industry Codes:
  • 94110 - Activities of business and employers membership organizations

Office Address & Contact

Registered Address:Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ
Country Origin:
Email Address:Unreported

Company Officers

Personal InformationRoleAppointedStatus
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Secretary01 August 2022Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director01 April 2021Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director01 February 2019Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director21 January 2021Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director01 March 2020Active
Siemens Plc, Sir William Siemens House, Princess Road, Manchester, United Kingdom, M20 2UR

Director19 May 2015Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director01 April 2022Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director01 February 2019Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director21 January 2021Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director01 December 2017Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director09 March 2023Active
227 Court Road, London, SE9 4TG

Secretary13 June 2008Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Secretary31 March 2020Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Secretary28 July 2010Active
First Floor, 2-6 Cannon Street, London, EC4M 6YH

Corporate Secretary28 September 2006Active
Tata Steel Europe, Postbus 10000, 1970 Ca Ijmuiden, 1970 Ca Ijmuiden, Netherlands,

Director29 June 2011Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director11 August 2017Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director26 July 2017Active
33, Wigmore Street, London, England, W1U 1QX

Director31 May 2017Active
Qfc, Alma Park Road, Grantham, England, NG31 9SE

Director28 September 2016Active
227 Court Road, London, SE9 4TG

Director13 June 2008Active
Tudor Lodge, High Street, Repton, DE65 6GD

Director03 June 2009Active
9 College Close, Longridge, Preston, PR3 3AX

Director01 October 2008Active
Reliance Works, Oldbury Road Industrial Works, West Bromwich, B70 9DD

Director04 November 2009Active
Finmeccanica Uk Ltd, 8th Floor, 39 Victoria Street, London, United Kingdom, SW1H 0EU

Director29 June 2011Active
Dunbridge House, Dunbridge, Romsey, SO51 0LF

Director01 October 2008Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director21 January 2021Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director30 September 2015Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director24 May 2016Active
30, Vineyard Hill Road, London, United Kingdom, SW19 7JH

Director27 September 2012Active
Field House, Wood Street, Skelmanthorpe, HD8 9BN

Director01 October 2008Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director27 April 2016Active
4 Clos Smyrna, Pen Y Fai, Bridgend, CF31 4BT

Director01 October 2008Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director29 June 2011Active
Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ

Director05 May 2010Active

Account Documents


  • Last accounts submitted for period 31 March 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Accounts type was MICRO
  • Next accounts dated 31 March 2024
  • Due by 31 December 2024 (2 months remaining)

Confirmation Statement

  • Last submitted on 14 October 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Next confirmation dated 14 October 2024
  • Due by 28 October 2024 (4 months remaining)

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