PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)

This company is commonly known as Berkshire Hathaway International Insurance Limited. The company was founded 28 years ago and was given the registration number 03230337. The firm's registered office is in LONDON. You can find them at 4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, . This company's SIC code is 65120 - Non-life insurance.

Company Information

Company Number:03230337
Company Type:PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)
Incorporation Date:26 July 1996
End of financial year:31 December 2023
Jurisdiction:England - Wales
Industry Codes:
  • 65120 - Non-life insurance

Office Address & Contact

Registered Address:4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ
Country Origin:ENGLAND
Email Address:Unreported

Company Officers

Personal InformationRoleAppointedStatus
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Secretary01 January 2024Active
Berkshire Hathaway International Insurance Limited, Corso Italia 13, Milano, Italy,

Director20 July 2023Active
Fenchurch Place, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director01 December 2023Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director15 April 2008Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director16 December 2008Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director01 September 2020Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director19 December 2013Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director11 November 2022Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director04 July 2014Active
18 Caversham Lodge, 1154 London Road, Leigh On Sea, SS9 2AJ

Secretary24 July 2002Active
37 Stokenchurch, London, SW6 3TS

Secretary13 December 1996Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Secretary26 September 2019Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Secretary07 July 2014Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Secretary05 April 2023Active
London Underwriting Centre 6th, Floor, 3 Minster Court Mincing Lane, London, United Kingdom, EC3R 7DD

Secretary26 November 2008Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Secretary07 June 2022Active
10 Upper Bank Street, London, E14 5JJ

Corporate Nominee Secretary26 July 1996Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director25 November 1997Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director17 August 2016Active
Flat 7, 7 Egerton Place, London, SW3 2EF

Director13 December 1996Active
17 Kirkdale Road, Harpenden, AL5 2PT

Nominee Director26 July 1996Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director31 October 2018Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director19 August 2016Active
21 Sunny Ridge Road, Easton, Usa,

Director13 December 1996Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director17 May 2016Active
London Underwriting Centre 6th, Floor, 3 Minster Court Mincing Lane, London, United Kingdom, EC3R 7DD

Director13 December 1996Active
26 Woodcote Avenue, Wallington, SM6 0QY

Director13 December 1996Active
89 Thurleigh Road, London, SW12 8TY

Nominee Director26 July 1996Active
25 Octavia House, Medway Street Westminster, London, SW1P 2TA

Director13 February 2003Active
119 Woodbine Road, Stamford, U.S.A., 06903

Director13 December 1996Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director19 August 2016Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director01 June 2019Active
London Underwriting Centre 6th, Floor, 3 Minster Court Mincing Lane, London, United Kingdom, EC3R 7DD

Director16 December 2008Active
18 Parkfield Avenue, Amersham, HP6 6BE

Director13 October 2005Active
4th Floor, 8, Fenchurch Place, London, England, EC3M 4AJ

Director18 December 2013Active

People with Significant Control

Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
Notified on:06 April 2016
Country of residence:United States
Address:3555 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska, United States, 68131
Nature of control:
  • Voting rights 75 to 100 percent

Account Documents


  • Last accounts submitted for period 31 March 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Accounts type was MICRO
  • Next accounts dated 31 March 2024
  • Due by 31 December 2024 (2 months remaining)

Confirmation Statement

  • Last submitted on 14 October 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Next confirmation dated 14 October 2024
  • Due by 28 October 2024 (5 months remaining)

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